Homeschool 101

The rules-simplified
Submit a Declaration of Intent-
You must submit an annual Declaration of Intent (DOI) every year. (See our DOI section for more info)
Provide required number of days-
Georgia's Home Study Law also requires you to have 180, or equivalent, instructional days per school year consisting of at least 4 1/2 hours per day.
Record and Report-
Parent/guardian must write an annual progress report, submitted only to yourself, for each child in every subject. This report and all school work shall be kept for 3 years.
Students must be evaluated at least every three years, beginning at the end of the third grade, with a nationally standardized test. i.e. CAT This test results will be for your records and not submitted with the state.
Ensure you're able to homeschool-
You must be the child's/children's parent or legal guardian with a high school diploma or GED to homeschool. You may also hire a tutor (diploma required as well)
Choose your curriculum-
Select which curriculum best fits your family. (See our curriculum section for more info)
Add subjects of interest-
You may choose to add any other subjects to your homeschool curriculum. Ie. Bible study, cooking, art, music, computer, etc.
Teach the required subjects-
Georgia's home study law requires homeschoolers are taught, at a minimum, math, reading, science, social studies and language arts.